Laboratorium Komputasi

Terletak di Gedung E Lantai 2 dan Gedung J, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, UNDIP, Laboratorium Komputasi memfasilitasi mahasiswa dan akademisi dalam melakukan riset berkaitan dengan metode numerik, pengolahan data geospasial and analisis pemodelan laut. Laboratorium ini memiliki fasilitas berupa 40 buah PC yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai perangkat lunak khusus pengolah citra satelit dan data spasial oseanografi seperti ArcGIS, Matlab dsb. Laboratorium ini digunakan untuk menunjang perkuliahan mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Penginderaan Jauh, Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), Metode Numerik, dan Pemodelan Lingkungan Laut.

The model shows Tsunami Simulation that occurred in Pangandaran 2006. Tsunami modelling were processed with MatLab Programming Language based on bathymetry data from GEBCO using of three layers of calculation as well as three hours running time.

Galeri Aktivitas

The figure above shows the Sea Surface Current and Sea Surface Temperature in North Sulawesi on January 2021. The data were used to find out the implication of ocean parameter during Flood Disaster in Manado on 16-17 January 2021. The input data were HYCOM (Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model) + NCODA Global 1/12 ° Analysis (GLBu0.08) and processed using Interactive Data Language (IDL) Programming Software from ENVI.

Topography of Papua Province

La Nina Precipitation

This figure shows the daily precipitation that occurs in all regions of Indonesia during the La Nina phase. Daily data is processed spatially using IDL (Interactive Data Language) software.

Tsunami Run-up in Yogyakarta based on Bantul Earthquake Simulation 2006

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Variability during La Nina Phenomena

This figure shows the daily SST variability that occurs in all regions of Indonesia during the La Nina phase. Daily data is processed spatially using IDL (Interactive Data Language) software.


Narahubung :

Dr. Ir. Dwi Haryo Ismunarti, M.Si.

Dr. Ir. Dwi Haryo Ismunarti, M.Si.

Kepala Laboratorium Oseanografi