by admin | Aug 2, 2022 | announcement, News, Research & community services
The Kedaireka Matching Fund is a tangible form of support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia for the creation of collaboration and strategic synergy between Higher Education Personnel...
by admin | Jun 25, 2021 | News, Research & community services
By: Prof. Dr. Denny Nugroho S., S.T., M.Si; Prof. Ir.Muslim, M.Sc, Ph.D; Ir. Sri Yulina Wulandari, M.Si; Drs. Heryoso Setiyono, M.Si; Ir. Petrus Subardjo, M.Si Semarang City is one of the big cities in the northern region of Java Island. The city of Semarang has a...
by admin | Jun 24, 2021 | News, Research & community services
By: Dr. Ir. Sugeng Widada, M. Si.; Ir. Hariyadi, M. T. Rikha Widiaratih, S.Si, M.Si; Ir. Gentur Handoyo, M.Si; Drs. Jarot Marwoto, M. Pd Indonesia is a unitary state which has a water area larger than the land area. So that in carrying out activities in the life of...
by admin | Jun 23, 2021 | News, Research & community services
By: Dr.Sc. Anindya Wirasatriya, ST., M.Sc.; Dr. Aris Ismanto,S.Si, M.Si.; Azis Rifai, ST., M.Si.; Ir. Alfi Satriadi, M.Si.; Ir. Agus Anugroho D.S., M.Si The potential of marine fish resources in Jepara Regency is quite abundant so that the production of fish catches...
by admin | Jun 22, 2021 | News, Research & community services
By: Dr. Lilik Maslukah, S.T., M.Si; Dr. Muhammad Helmi, S.Si., M.Si; Dr. Kunarso, ST., M.Si; Dr. Ir. Muh Yusuf, M.Si; Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Zainuri, DEA The coastal environment is a very dynamic environment and is prone to the dangers of erosion, abrasion,...
by admin | Jun 21, 2021 | News, Research & community services
By: Dr. Ir. Dwi Haryo Imunarti, M.Si.; Dr. Elis Indrayanti, ST., M.Si; Dr. Ir. Baskoro Rochadi, M.T; Ir. Purwanto, M.T; Ir. Warsito Atmodjo, M.Si Semarang waters have the potential for economic fish such as grouper, tuna, mackerel and others. This considerable...
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