PKMBRP (CoREM) Diponegoro University with the Oceanography Department of Diponegoro University and the community of SONAR Diponegoro University have carried out Workshop in World Class Professor 2019 program with the topic of ” Writing Articles For Reputable International Scientific Journals ” Held on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019 in the Common Room, building F FPIK DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY. By presenting speakers from the Department of Atmospheric and the Oceanic Science University of Maryland, USA, Mr. R. Dwi Susanto, MSEng, MSc, Ph.D.
He is a world class oceanographic expert with H Index SCOPUS 55 and his expertise specification is the dynamics of the Sea of Indonesia. During his career as a researcher and lecturer, he has produced more than 50 international scientific journals in Q1 and has been widely cited by researchers from both domestic and foreign countries.
Mr. R. Dwi Susanto, Ph.D. on this occasion conveys the rules that must be fulfilled and the arbitral to be done in arranging articles and journals on an international scale. Enthusiasm in this activity is quite high seen from the number of students and lecturers on the campus of the FPIK Diponegoro University that attendees of the event. Hopefully, with this Workshop, data increased water resist in the marine field and competence in the writing of articles and scientific journals to an international scale.
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