Outdoor and Supporting Facilities

Field observations are a key element of Oceanography and complementary to laboratory work and numerical modelling. Several advanced field measurement methods are available to support Oceanographic learning and research. As staff development on research skills, the academic staff of Oceanography Department has also the member of the Center of Excellence in Science and Technology in Universitas Diponegoro. Those research institutions are Center for Coastal Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation Studies (CoREM) and Center for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) of Universitas Diponegoro.

Field and Research Activities

The video display the coastal area of Central Java which is growing rapidly with the development of industrial estates and settlements. On the one hand, the economic situation is improving, but on the other hand, problems arise such as coastline changes, land subsidence, environmental degradation, lack of water supply for industry, etc.

The concept of ICZM (Integrated Coastal Zone Management) is an approach concept used to protect coastal areas and develop in a sustainable way. ICZM is a vision to manage coastal areas in a balanced manner which considers environmental, economic, and social aspects in the long term.